home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- echo off
- cls
- if "%1"=="" goto error
- if "%3"=="GOTO" goto label
- echo Scream Tracker installation
- echo.
- md %1%2
- md %1%2\INS
- md %1%2\SONG
- md %1%2\ADD
- md %1%2\STINS99
- echo Copying files, please wait...
- copy install.000 %1%2\readme > nul
- copy install.001 %1%2\st.exe > nul
- copy install.002 %1%2\csamp.exe > nul
- copy install.003 %1%2\st.hlp > nul
- copy install.004 %1%2\register.doc > nul
- copy install.005 %1%2\tech.doc > nul
- copy install.006 %1%2\release.doc > nul
- copy install.007 %1%2\register.frm > nul
- copy install.008 %1%2\SONG\song.sts > nul
- copy install.009 %1%2\INS\snare.st > nul
- copy install.010 %1%2\INS\bassdrum.st> nul
- copy install.011 %1%2\INS\lzpiano.st> nul
- copy install.012 %1%2\INS\stdbass.st> nul
- copy install.013 %1%2\INS\bsound.st> nul
- copy install.018 %1%2\st.doc >nul
- if exist st.ilb goto label2
- copy install.014 %1%2\st.ilb >nul
- copy install.015 %1%2\st00.ilb >nul
- copy install.016 %1%2\st02.ilb >nul
- copy install.017 %1%2\st03.ilb >nul
- :label2
- copy install.bat %1%2\install.bat >nul
- echo Deleting installation files, please wait...
- %1%2\install.bat %1 %2 GOTO
- :label
- del install.*
- del readme.now
- %1
- cd %2
- cls
- echo Now it's time to enter the correct setup to Scream Tracker.
- echo Remeber to correct the directories, if your's are other
- echo than C:\ST...
- echo To get help, press F10.
- pause
- st *1
- cls
- echo Now how about reading the README file?
- echo Well, maybe it's best to give you no alternative... Except CTRL-C...
- echo.
- pause
- type readme | more
- pause
- cls
- echo Scream Tracker is now installed.
- echo To test it, write:
- echo.
- echo ST SONG
- echo.
- echo which will load an example song, you can use for experimenting.
- echo Have fun!
- echo.
- goto loppu2
- :error
- echo Scream Tracker installation
- echo.
- echo To install type:
- echo INSTALL [drive] [directory]
- echo.
- echo for example INSTALL C: \ST
- goto loppu
- :loppu2
- :loppu